Lourenzá - Mondoñedo: Tracey twists her ankle

After yesterday's walk, plus we left late this morning, we were pretty tired. We were aiming to do 16kms today. We had a few more hills, not as stressed as yesterday though. As we came into Mondoñedo, as walking off a pavement, my foot slipped and I almost twisted it, it was bruised and swelled. We found a lovely bar, Bar El Pelegrino where we had pigeon conversations with the bar man, who was just so delighted we were trying. We met up with an Englishman, Stuart, who was here teaching English on his June holiday at a school camp.
Picture is of Rod and Janosh
To rest my ankle we decided to rest for a day. Over these few nights we had loads of visits to our bar and meeting people. The first night we stayed at an old Seminary. Amazing big stone walls. Rod and I dream and dream of how to use this beautiful architecture oneday. It was so beautiful.
The next day we moved across to our free albergue. A modern building ajoining an old church. Purple ostrich leather couches, kitchen. Everything modern. We experimented making spanish omelette. A meal of potato, onion and egg, which Clara in Ribedeo taught me (Tracey) to make. Well it didn't turn out too great, but it was a meal.
We just hung out in Mondeñedo. A lovely German, Janosh joined us at the albergue. As our now "tradition" in Mondeñedo, we hung out in our bar, Stuart popped around, Janosh joined us. We had our last evening talking deep thoughts of commited love, dreams, life and futures.
Janosh said something so true. While walking, we don't actually think deep thoughts of our past. I said, we dream. It was so true, walking brings about a time where one just dreams and dreams. Something in daily times that is so missing. Just time to dream.
Rod will start a thought of something and we'll expand that thought in dreams and ideas. It's great.
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