Santagadea - Ribadeo

Another short day. We needed to do quite a bit in Ribadeo, so needed the day. We stayed at the albergue, which looked over this massive bridge over the mouth of the river that lead into Ribadeo. A magnificent looking city, old and picturesque.
We met four young Espanola's, 1 girl and 3 guys, who were starting their camino. One guy, Javir was in the army. I wondered how this poor girl, Carla was going to keep up with them. She was about 6ft2 though, taller than Tash.
I was able to ask some questions on spanish, that had been bothering me, when chatting to them. They were a great help. You will read quite a bit on these lovely young people, whom we nicknamed, after Tolkien, "the tweenies".
This picture was taken outside our room in the Albergue. Not a bad view for a free bed! The Camino in Spain offers these accomodations for either a small donation or free, in the spirit of the original pilgrims, where they were housed by the churches, monestaries, etc.
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